
If it wasn’t for school, music or work related reasons, I won’t be chatting with anyone at all. The most I’d be doing is just sending songs to people or just ask/answer questions, cut and paste links, etc. That’s it. Turns out I also don’t really chat much online. So much for an online persona.

So what do I actually do online? Well, apart from blogging and generally just surfing digg, boingboing and using stumbleupon, I don’t really do anything productive online.

I used to play WoW but ever since I unsubscribed due to me spending way too much time in it, I don’t play much games anymore. I only listen to music nowadays but even that is becoming boring. I still do enjoy discovering new bands, new songs, etc but there’s only so much I can take before it becomes a chore.

I need something else to occupy my time. I get bored really easily nowadays. Oh wells. I’d better get to bed soon. Need lots of rest before the 19th.

Published in: on April 18, 2006 at 12:37am  Comments (1)  

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  1. Here are some links that I believe will be interested

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